

Let me tell you a story…

Once upon a time there lived a girl who went to visit her grandmother. She was called Little Red Riding Hood.

On the way, she stopped to smell the fragrant flowers. She listened to the birds singing in the trees. She met a friendly wolf who helped her find a shortcut to her grandmother’s house. And when she finally arrived for her visit, she and her grandmother had a wonderful time, filled with cookies and cuddles.

Their joyful visits continued week after week. They even invited the friendly wolf to join them on occasion, and everyone lived happily ever after.

The end.

Did you enjoy that story? Did you find it satisfying?

I sure didn’t!

When every day is a joy and every day is easy, your spirit doesn’t grow. It’s those hard, challenging days when problems are put in your path that you experience the greatest growth.

Your life is no different from a good story.

License-free image courtesy of Anemone123 on Pixabay.

If you don’t experience bad days, you won’t appreciate the good days as much.

It’s those bad days that push you to your limits. They have the potential to help you find inner strength that you didn’t know you had.

But just because you solve one problem, doesn’t mean another one won’t be put in your path. In fact, next time, there will probably be a bigger problem. Or several problems in a row.

As much as I wish there were never problems placed in my own path, I know why they are there. They are there to transform me and make me stronger.  

I can have a temporary breakdown or moan to the high heavens—which won’t solve anything in the long-term, albeit sometimes it feels good in the short-term—or I can find a way to soldier on and be grateful for the life lessons I’m learning.

Every day you have the opportunity to develop the main character in your life story. Never forget that. You may not be able to control the problems you face, but you can control how you face them.   

See problems as learning experiences and use them as tools for transformation.  Otherwise, you’ll get stuck at these blocks and nothing will change or move until you do.

Embrace your life’s problems, and in doing so, make your character—and your story—the best it can be!

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